Most Forgiving Father,
To thee and to all moral beings,
I declare my reckless iniquity.
Truly Meek Master,
in your mercy, smite and obliterate me.
Desolate, purge, and purify my imagination.
Nail and Immolate my venomous words.
Annihilate my egotistic actions and requite my omissions.
My crimes, vices, and offenses are ever before me.
Therefore, in my fallen grip,
I grovel before the Immaculate Seat of Wisdom;
And beseech the magnanimous multitude
and my fraternal wayfarers in the fray,
to imprecate to the Divine Will
for my fainting soul.
Sweet Consoling Paraclete,
Look not on my dogged villainy,
but on my participation a-low
with the pious consortium
which thrusts hearts a-loft
to adore the Victim Lamb.
Dissolve me, O Lord, in the salvific solvents
of your Bride’s penitential redress,
so that, in the spontaneous strike of my ninth hour,
Your absolute wrath may be cooled by inspired pity
and I may rejoice in that final Subvenite